Parish Mission Statement

Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives.


Prayers + Readings on page 97 St. Paul Sunday Missal 2022 cycle c

Your prayers are requested for the soul of Frank Callaghan recently deceased and for those whose anniversaries occur around this timeMAY THE SOULS OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED THROUGH THE    MERCY OF GOD REST IN PEACE. AMEN.  


February 2022 Mass times and intentions

Saturday 5 February 2022

10 am – Celebrants Intentions

4.30 pm – Mona Noctor – Rec. Deceased

Ned Cassidy - Rec. Deceased

Neil Glynn - Rec. Deceased

Mary Odlum - Rec. Deceased

6 pm – Leo + Mary Lennon, Patrick + Mary Swan, and Deceased members of Swan family

Eva Doyle - Rec. Deceased + Joan Morrin – Anniv.

Mona Noctor - Month’s mind

Joe Armstrong – Anniv.

Sunday 6 February 2022

9 am - Parishioners’ intentions

10.30 am – Christopher + Margaret Coyle, Anniv.

Annette McHale – Rec. Deceased

Neil Glynn – Rec. Deceased

Jim Crossen + Christine McNamara – Anniv.

12 noon William and Catherine Bennett - Anniv.

Brendan Hickey – 1st Anniversary

Eileen + James Fitzgerald – Anniv.

Annie + Tommy O’Toole – Anniv.

Brendan McGrane – Anniv.

Monday, 7 February 2022

10 am -   Thanksgiving Mass to Our Lady of Candelaria

Guillermo Saruda – R.I.P.

Antonio Acuna - R.I.P.

Tuesday 8 February 2022

10 am – Frances Dowling – Rec. Deceased

Joe McFeely – Rec. Deceased

Frank McFeely – Rec. Deceased

Wednesday 9 February 2022

10 am –   Celebrants Intention        

Thursday - 10 February 2022

10 am –   Philip Chambers – Anniv.

Joe Kiernan – Rec. Deceased

Tony Donnellan – Rec. Deceased

Friday - 11 February 2022 – Our Lady of Lourdes

10 am –   Special Intentions

John Leane – Rec. Deceased

Special Intentions



Advance Notice:

The next Church Gate Collection will be held the weekend of 19 and 20 February. Please give generously


Synod Pathway 2022

In Luke 5:1-11, the Gospel writer creatively combines the preaching of Jesus, a miracle and a call story. Luke invites us to recognise our own attraction to Jesus and the Good News. In the context of the Synodal Pathways — certain expressions jump off the page: the word of God, put out into the deep, do not be afraid


We should not be afraid to put our out into the deep, both personally and as a community of faith. We pray to the Holy Spirit, that the Christian community may be full of courage as it gathers together on the Synodal Pathway. Synodal Resources are available at Synodal Resources | Archdiocese of Dublin (


The entire Catholic Church has begun a series of conversations in parishes to discern what God wants of his people.  This is called the “Synodal Process”. Synod (Greek) means “walking together” it also means “meeting”.  This will culminate with the Synod of Bishops with Pope Francis in Rome in October 2023. The process will allow all the baptised people in the whole Church to share their experiences of the Church towards preparation for a National Synod in the coming year. The Parish Pastoral Parish Council met last Tuesday 1 February and decided to hold a series of parish meetings in March to prepare for the Synodal Pathway.  Let us continue in prayer for the success of this process.  Parishioners will be informed of the dates of these meetings.

Please take a copy of the prayer for the Synod home and recite it when opportune.



A word of thanks is due to all who so generously contributed towards the cost of repair of the Church central heating.