Income and Expenditure for the year ending 31 December 2022    
Holy Family Parish, Kill O the Grange      
  2022   2021
Income EUR   EUR
Donations And Bequests      
Donations And Bequests 44,338   1,720
Family Offering 95,498   89,588
Tax Refund on Donations 23,694   26,568
Albert Gubay Donation 25,000   0
Shrine Income 6,562   4,801
Weddings - Hire of Church 0   0
Stole Fees 10,600   9,800
Share Assistance 0   0
Other Donations 1,025   605
Income From Other Trading Activities      
Draws and Raffles 0   0
Fundraising Events 0   0
Shop Sales 3,008   4,409
Car Park Income 0   0
Other Income      
Insurance Claims 19,712   26,892
Rent Income 6,912   665
Sundry Income 5,248   652
Bank Interest Received 82   10
Total Income 241,679   165,709
Expenditure EUR   EUR
Expenditure On Charitable Activities      
Shrine Costs 0   0
Heat and Light (29,400)   (13,318)
Missalettes and Printing Costs (8,420)   (8,322)
Repairs and Maintenance (157,687)   (21,049)
Insurance and Security Costs (13,680)   (13,669)
Professional and Accountancy Fees (4,762)   (3,339)
Altar Expenses and other Church Running Costs (11,544)   (15,736)
Wages/Salaries (58,278)   (53,990)
Telephone (2,685)   (2,160)
Depreciation (29,845)   (29,845)
Other Expenses (7,964)   (3,927)
Cost Of Raising Funds      
Fundraising Costs 0   (27)
Draws/Raffles Costs 0   0
Shop Running Costs (1,513)   (448)
Total Expenditure (325,778)   (165,832)
Gain/Loss on Fixed Assets or Investments 0   0
Excess of expenditure over income for the year ending 31 December 2022 (84,099)   (123)
Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2022      
Holy Family Parish, Kill O the Grange      
  2022   2021
Assets EUR   EUR
Fixed Assets - Land and Buildings 817,454   846,373
Fixed Assets - Fixtures and Fittings 0   0
Fixed Assets - Computers and Equipment 232   1,158
Cash and Bank 99,004   42,077
Cash on Deposit 0   0
Prepayments / Accrued Income 3,053   30,048
Parish Investments 0   0
Other Debtors 18,241   88,159
Total Assets 937,984   1,007,816
Creditors: Amounts Falling Due Within One Year EUR   EUR
Accruals (10,660)   (1,529)
Trade Creditors (6,800)   (3,035)
Other Creditors 1,629   3,000
Total Creditors (15,831)   (1,564)
Term Loan 0   0
Total Net Assets 922,153   1,006,252
Charitable Funds EUR   EUR
Opening Charitable Funds 1,006,252   1,006,375
Excess of expenditure over income for the year ending 31 December 2022 (84,099)   (123)
Accumulated Charitable Funds 922,153   1,006,252