Newsletter for 16 June 2024 – The Eleventh

Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) -Liturgical Colour Green- Day for Life

Readings from page 285 in the St. Paul Missal

Mass streamed live daily via webcam.


Office Phone: 012845299

Please pray for those recently deceased and for  Gerard Lockhart whose anniversary occurs around this time.



June 2024

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday 15 June 2024

10.00 a.m. - Celebrant’s Intention

5.00 p.m. – May Doyle- 1st anniversary

Christina Masterson- anniversary

Sunday 16 June 2024

9.00a.- Pat Doyle – recently deceased

John Byrne- recently deceased

Anne Bardon- recently deceased

10.30 am – Maureen & Michael Reid- anniversary

Michael Mahon- anniversary

12.00 noon -Mary Jane (Jennie) Byrne & deceased members of Byrne, Bryan, Corcoran & Tracey families

Cora & Philip Halpenny- anniversary

Carrie Moylan- 10th anniversary

James Noctor- 1st anniversary & Susan Stapleton

Monday 17 June 2024

10.00 a.m. – Special intention

Tuesday 18 June 2024

10.00 a.m. – Special intention

Wednesday 19 June 2024

10.00 a.m. – Parishioners’ intention

Thursday 20 June 2024

10.00 a.m. – Celebrant’s intention

Friday 21 June 2024

10.00 a.m. – Celebrant’s intention


Daily prayers and readings for today are available at Click on the links below to see today's readings. 

Today's Readings Sunday's Readings

Saints of the Day Thought for the Day


Parish Partnership

Peter Siney Faith Development Co-Ordinator for Pastoral Councils from the Diocese will be at Guardian Angels Parish Centre, Newtown Park Ave Blackrock on Wednesday 19th June, 7 pm to facilitate an evening of prayer & reflection for Eucharistic Ministries and for those about to commence this Ministry. Those in this ministry in
Partnership Parishes are invited to attend on June 19th

The monthly collection church door for St. Vincent de Paul Conference takes place after all Mass this weekend. Please be generous.

Message from Archbishop Farrell about the Summer Dues initiative- Our Gospel reading at Mass today talks about sowing seed on the land. Priests and other parish leaders and ministers are being asked to find new and creative ways of sowing the word of God, seeking to build up partnerships of parishes in the times that are upon us. Night and day, while we are asleep, when we are awake, the seed is spouting and growing; how we do not know (Mark 4:26-34).  The mustard tree emerges from the tiniest of seeds. We do not yet know what will emerge for the Church locally, but ‘we are always full of confidence’ (2 Corinthians 5:6). We are full of prayer too – it is the Lord’s work, the work of the Holy Spirit who calls us to mission.  Please support your priests through the Summer Dues collection. The generosity that people show towards their priests is indispensable. Please play your part, too, in the renewed and active involvement of all parishioners as together we sow seeds for a future harvest, trusting always in God’s plans for us.

Tax on donation scheme

The generosity that people show towards their priests is very reassuring. Your contributions can go further without any additional cost to you thanks to the tax relief available on charitable donations. With your help the parish can claim a tax refund from Revenue to the value of up to 45% of your identifiable contributions amounting to €250 or more in any given year.  Please use the envelope provided, giving your details so that the parish can contact you, to help process the tax rebate from Revenue. The parish can reclaim the tax no matter whether you are PAYE or Self-Assessed. This tax rebate from Revenue is now an important source of income for the parish.

Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes this year will be led by Archbishop Dermot Farrell from 5 September to 12 September. Contributions to the Lourdes Invalid Fund will be gratefully received at the parish shop.

The Dublin A

Summer Dues – Many thanks to all who have returned their Easter Dues envelopes. Summer Dues are being collected from this week onwards.


Prayers for State Examinations

Please pray for all taking examinations (e.g. University, Leaving Cert., Junior Cert, 3rd and other exams etc.)


Laudato Si Quotes on the Environment

 “God has written a precious book whose letters are the multitude of created things. From panoramic vistas to the tiniest living form, nature is a constant source of wonder and awe. It is also a continuing revelation of the divine. Alongside revelation in sacred Scripture, there is a divine manifestation in the blaze of the sun and the fall of night.” (Laudato Si, 84)


Pilgrimage to Medjugorje

4th to 11th September 2024 Spiritual director Fr. John D. Killeen.

Group leader contact

Valerie Somers: 087 9908840



The Irish Jesuits are launching a new Young Adult Retreat (18-30 years old) that will take place in Gonzaga College between the 28-30th June, called All Things New. 

There'll be talks and workshops discussing faith and social issues facing young people in Ireland, as well as the opportunity to connect with others who are either practising or rediscovering their faith. 

Emai the link ALLTHINGSNEWINFO24@GMail.Com

The Disciples of the Divine Master (White’s Cross) celebrated the centenary of their foundation last Sunday. Congratulations and blessings.