Parish Mission Statement

Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, and building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives. Ceremonies are available on the parish webcam.

Prayers + Readings on page 347 St. Paul Sunday Missal 2022 Cycle C

Your prayers are requested for the souls of those who died recently, Margaret (Peg) Noble, Anthony (Tony) Byrne & Michael Coleman for  Carmel Cash & Mary Heron whose anniversary occurs around this time.




September Mass times and intentions

Saturday 17 September 2022

10 a.m. – Celebrant’s Intentions

5 p.m. – James Craddock R.I.P.

Andrew (Snr.), Bridget & Andrew ( jnr. ) Lynch-anniversary; Margaret Gerard- anniversary

Sunday 18 September

9 a,m. – Parishioners’ intentions

10.30. a.m. – James Gregan R.I.P

Deceased members of the Perry Family

12 noon – Guillermo Saruda R.I.P.

Tom Gallagher- 9th anniversary

Evelyn Swan - month’s mind

Tony Byrne recently deceased

William & Catherine Feerick  R.I.P.

 Monday 19 September 2022

10 a.m. –Denis & Margaret Dennehy- anniversary,

Yvonne Linehan & Breda Ryan- anniversary

Maeve Corby- recently deceased

Special intention

Special intention

Tuesday 20 September 2022

10.00 a.m.-Maura Cunnane- recently deceased

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Tomás Collins recently deceased

Terry Cooney- recently deceased

Thursday 22 September 2022

10.00 a.m.  celebrant’s intentions

Friday 23 September 2022

10.00 a.m.- Ida Kiernan- recently deceased

Angela Carroll- recently deceased

Cross Care Annual Appeal 2022

Annual Collection takes place at all Masses this weekend, replacing the diocesan Share Collection. Poverty Support Services- coming under increasing demand from people struggling to find accommodation and families coping with increases in the cost of living. You may donate online at www.


From Sunday 2nd October 2022 the Mass at 12 Noon will be the Family Mass.  Children are encouraged to take an active part in this Mass through reading, singing, and drama.  Children preparing for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation are encouraged to take part.  There will be a practice for this Mass each Thursday from 4.00 pm to 5 pm in the Church, beginning Thursday the 29th of September 2022.  Parents are encouraged to attend this practice and we will be pleased to hear suggestions and ideas from parents.  If your child is unable to attend on a Thursday, please attend the Family Mass on Sunday. 

The Season of Creation began on 1 September, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends on 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. This is the annual Christian celebration to listen and respond together to the cry of Creation. It is dear to Pope Francis’ heart. This year many Christian communities will unite around the theme, “Listen to the Voice of Creation.” There will be a Holy Hour in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament each Friday in September from 7 pm – 8 pm. Please come along and join with the Parish Environmental Group to place before the Lord our concerns and worries for the world and all the creatures that inhabit it. 

7.00 p.m. 4th October 2022- Meeting of Parish Pastoral Council at Resource Centre

Tax Back Returns 2021

The CHY3 Forms for the tax rebate scheme  2021 have been posted. S.A.E, return envelopes were not included in order to save parish funds. Please fill the forms and return them to the parish office or to the big safe in the church. Thanks.

Collections during Mass on Sundays/ Holydays -  Two separate diocesan collections are taken up during the Mass- the First Collection for the priests of the parish and the diocese (Common Fund) after the homily and the Second Collection (Share Fund) after the intercessions. You might like to use the Tap & Go devices in the church for these collections. The Share collection is sometimes replaced by a special diocesan collection as announced. Parish Support Fund- weekly donations-Your weekly donations (Voluntary Family Offering) are vital to run the Parish. eg. salaries, the bills for lighting, heating, insurance, repairs, and general maintenance. Please put what you have been giving for the running of the Parish into the Boxes on the tables beside the doors either before or after Mass. Parish upkeep depends on your contributions to this fund. Standing Order Forms are available on the tables near the church door. if you would like to fill in one and return it to the office/ safe in the church as convenient. You have been very generous with your contributions to the parish upkeep fund. Thank you.

If interested in joining the Funeral Ministry Team, please contact one of the parish clergy.