Newsletter 23rd / 24th November 2019 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


Parish Mission Statement

Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives


Payers & Readings on page 392


Thanks to the volunteers who assisted in the packing and dispatch of Parish Christmas Cards and dues envelopes and to the SVP conference for the distribution.


 The monthly collection for ST VINCENT DE PAUL amounted to €1,830.00.  Sincerest thanks for your generously


PEACE AND FAMILY LIFE:  the monthly Medjugorje Mass for Peace and Family life next Thurs 28th Nov in the Divine Master Chapel @ 8.pm. 
Rosary before Mass; 
Exposition and Prayers for healing after Mass. All welcome.


Our CHURCH SHOP has a superb range of Christmas items. Signed Christmas Mass Cards



Your prayers are requested for the soul of the following whose anniversary occurs about this time: 

  1. Rev. Timothy Hurley PP, Mary & James Moran, Angela McMahon, Sheila Clarke + Mike Kearns

may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace. amen.


November Mass times & Intentions

Sat 23

6.00 pm



Mark White (Anniv)

Margaret Kelly (Anniv)

Noel Clarke (Anniv)

Sun 24

9.00 am

Intentions of the Parishioners

10.30 am



Deceased members of Holy Family Church Choir

Ann-Marie Hennessy (2nd Anniv)

12 noon

Tony Keegan (Anniv)

Anne + Joseph Coughlan (Anniv)

Charlie + Aideen Gilmartin

Veronica McGrath (6th Anniv)

Mon 25

7.00 pm



Special Intention

Special Intention

Special Intention

Tue 26

7.00 pm

Special Intention

Holy Souls

Wed 27

7.00 pm

10 am Mass only

Thu 28

7.00 pm

Deceased Members of McGovern and O’Mahony Families

Fri 29

7.00 pm

Holy Souls


At the FAMILY MASS on 15th December at 12 noon we will invite children to bring statues of the infant Jesus from the crib at home to be blessed during the Mass.  If you do not have a small statue, then bring a Christmas Candle to be blessed.

Nativity images are on sale in the church.


Find the Christmas Season Tough?

You are warmly invited to a Service of Reflection, Prayer, and Music.

“Light in our Darkness”

In Holy Family Parish Church, Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire.

On Sunday 8th December 2019 at 4 pm.

Everyone is welcome, come and bring a friend.


Prayer Service to be held on

Wednesday evenings in Advent

4th December, 11th December and the 18th December 2019 at 7 pm

in Holy Family Parish Church, Kill Avenue.  We will have Evening Prayer of the Church followed by a short period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, concluding with Benediction.  Our prayer intention will be for Vocations to the Priesthood.  As this is a Prayer Service, there will be no distribution of Holy Communion.  The Prayer Service will conclude at 7.30 pm.


How to make it a green Christmas in the parish:

Don’t say it isn’t possible

Our Parish Environment Group (PEG) is distributing once again a handout listing 20 practical suggestions to help parishioners enjoy a greener Christmas.  Every one should find at least one thing from the list which they can do, and hopefully more than one.  So please take a copy as you leave the church.  Bring it home and display it in the kitchen as a stimulus to change to a greener world. And get the children to see how many items