Newsletter 7th / 8th December 2019

Second Sunday of Advent

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Monday 9th December 2019


Parish Mission Statement

Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives.



Prayers & Readings on page 405

Prayers and Readings for The Immaculate Conception on page 409



At the FAMILY MASS on 15th December at 12 noon we invite children to bring statues of the infant Jesus from the crib at home to be blessed during the Mass.

If you do not have a statue, then bring a Christmas Candle to be blessed.

Nativity images are on sale in the church.


ANNUAL ST VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS COLLECTION will replace the SHARE COLLECTION during Mass on 7th /8th December 2019.  Please be as generous as possible to support people who need help during the year.



This tree is an invitation to pray to Jesus Christ to come to us today.

Select some of intentions and pray them from your heart

COME LORD JESUS Come Lord Jesus to our homes, to our city, to our country.

There is a box for special intentions beside the tree.


Your prayers are requested for the souls of

Bernard O’Connor, Eileen Geoghegan and Margaret Murphy and Olive Hudson

recently deceased and also for the souls whose anniversaries occur about this time: 



December Mass times & Intentions

Sat 7

6.00 pm




Michael Connor (Anniv)

Catherine Barnes (Anniv)

Una Finlay (Anniv)

Jean Roberts (Rec Dec)

Sun 8

9.00 am

Baby Charlie O’Donoghue (Anniv)

10.30 am

Christopher + Julie + Betty Synnott (Anniv)

Phil + May Lynch & Bridget Corr (Anniv)

Margaret + Sean Kerr (Anniv)

12 noon

Intentions of the Parishioners

Mon 9

7.00 pm

Intentions of Parishioners

Tue 10

7.00 pm

Tony O’Grady (Remembrance)

Agnes, Sonny + Thomas Murphy (Anniv)

Rory Taite (Anniv)

Wed 11

10 am

7 pm

Mass only

Advent Prayer Service +Adoration

Thu 12

7.00 pm

Christine + Yvonne Ryan (Anniv)

Fri 13

7.00 pm

Alice Gray (Anniv)

Holy Souls


Prayer Service to be held on

Wednesday evenings in Advent 11th December and the 18th December 2019 at 7pm in Holy Family Parish Church, Kill Avenue. Evening Prayer of the Church is followed by a short period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, concluding with Benediction.  Our prayer intention will be for Vocations to the Priesthood.  As this is a Prayer Service, there will be no distribution of Holy Communion.  The Prayer Service will conclude at 7.30 pm.



Find the Christmas Season Tough?

You are warmly invited to a Service of Reflection, Prayer and Music.

“Light in our Darkness”

In Holy Family Parish Church, Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire.

On Sunday 8th December 2019 at 4 pm.

Everyone is welcome, come and bring a friend.



Christmas Arrangements 2019 at Holy Family
The Word was made flesh and lived among us”. John 1:14. 


Penance Service - Rite 2 – 7.45 am 16th December


Christmas Eve - Tuesday 24th December, 6.00pm (vigil), 8.30pm Carols with adult choir; 9.00 pm (night Mass) with adult choir.

Christmas Day- Wednesday 25th December
9.00 am (dawn Mass), 10.30 am (Family Mass), 12.00 noon (day Mass)

Thursday 26th to Saturday 28th December (inclusive) Mass at 10.00 am only. No Mass at 7.00 pm

Saturday 28th Dec 10.00 am, 6.00 pm (vigil of Sun)
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph, patrons of the parish - Sun 29th Dec 9.00 am, 10.30 am, 12.00 noon.

Monday 30th December- Friday 4th January 2020. 10.00 am only. No Mass at 7.00 pm

Saturday 5th January 10.00 am and 6.00 pm (vigil of Sunday Epiphany)

Sunday 5th January 9.00 am, 10.30 am, 12.00 noon.

Epiphany of the Lord Holy Day

Monday 6th January Epiphany (Holy day) Masses at 10.00 am & 7.00 pm – Weekdays (Tue-Friday Masses at 10.00am & 7.00pm, Bank holidays excepted. Saturdays- Mass at 10.00 am & 6.00 pm (vigil of Sunday) Sundays- 9.00 am, 10.30 am, 12.00 noon.